As an operator of a take-back system in the recycling of electrical and electronic appliances, we are equally reliant on having responsible ARF partners (manufacturers, importers and retailers) as we are on having professional waste disposal partners. In 2018, we were supported by over 800 ARF partners and were thus able to operate a wide-ranging waste disposal network with over 600 waste disposal partners. These are huge numbers based on important actions – it gives us great pleasure to give you an insight into the highlights of SENS eRecycling. So here we present 2018 in brief – from us for you!

Foreword by the Foundation President
News from Berne
After the Council of States decided to accept motion 17.3636, which charged the Federal Council to introduce a basic obligation agreement, by a large majority in December 2017, the National Council “softened” their stance on this in the summer of 2018. The basic obligation agreement is now one of many options with which the electrical and electronic waste recycling system in Switzerland could be improved and with which the problem of freeloaders could be solved.
It is a challenging task:
- Recording the purchase of appliances abroad
- Recording the installation of appliances from abroad in Swiss kitchens and bathrooms by foreign installation firms
- Recording the manufacturers/importers in Switzerland who have not yet agreed to participate in a voluntary take-back system
- And even more important: recording appliances that make their way to Switzerland from abroad via online retail
We are endeavouring to show those responsible that it is very useful and efficient to link the benefits of voluntary take-back systems with the advantages of mandatory participation. As a pioneer, we in Switzerland are especially proud of the implementation of producer responsibility and are convinced that this forms the basis for a developed circular economy.
A report by Prof. Urs Saxer (University of Zurich) commissioned by SENS, Swico and SLRS clearly states that the concept of “private organisations appointed by the federal government”, which is anchored in the Environmental Protection Act (EPA), certainly leaves plenty of scope for them to operate according to private law and commercial principles.
We are therefore continuing to campaign to the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) for a basic obligation agreement, with its implementation being crucial. In 2015, the representatives of the FOEN and the take-back systems already developed a very simple and efficient implementation framework with all of the relevant interfaces – and these continue to form the basis. From a SENS perspective, we are very willing and also looking forward to working together constructively with the FOEN and the new Head of the Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga. Here, it is also a matter of calling on the experiences that have already been gathered at a European level, especially in the area of online retail, which has been assessed by many as a very significant issue.
Working together with politicians, we are convinced that we can develop a sustainable and innovative solution for our small, well-organised country that once more sees eRecycling take a step forward.
Andreas Röthlisberger

Foreword by the Managing Director
“I am the new household assistant,” said the refrigerator to the robot vacuum cleaner prior to cleaning itself before the next meal order comes in.
Dear Partners
Intelligent devices that can almost read our minds are no longer a dream and are already part of everyday life in many smart homes. What does intelligence have to do with recycling? A great deal!
The good old fridge – for this appliance the advance recycling fee for the correct disposal category refrigerator has already been paid with the sales price. In return, the broken appliance is taken back free of charge at the end of its service life and recycled correctly – a process that we have now handled efficiently and professionally with our partners for more than 30 years. The increasing complexity of new devices with multifunctional applications can bring into question the simple classifications used until now: is a refrigerator really only a refrigerator or also a computer? The clear boundaries will become blurred and new approaches will be required. The picture is similar for recycling. Intelligent, multifunctional appliances with sophisticated technology and novel materials will in future perhaps change the requirements placed on the entire disposal process. Here, together with our disposal partners, we are called upon to work in an innovative and solution-oriented manner in order to ensure that we can continue to bring as many recyclable materials as possible back into the life cycle.
The fact that the intelligent handling of energy is important to us is evident. We are therefore delighted that we were actively able to lend a hand here in our role as a supporting partner for energyday. A sweet initiative with a great deal of positive feedback that we will certainly repeat again next year. (FUTURE section, Making progress together)
Our Junkopus dispels troublesome untruths in the area of recycling and also keeps the people of Switzerland on the go – namely with interesting facts on four recycling myths and the right tips for how to dispose of waste and shop cleverly. (SENS section, From us for you)
Oeko-Service Schweiz AG endeavours to apply the same high standards to its dismantling processes as those applied to the production of new products. In Rheinfelden, it operates a state-of-the-art recycling plant for refrigerators that meets exactly this requirement. We have visited the plant and are impressed with what our small country has to offer in terms of terrific technology. (INNOVATION section, Trends and technology)
You can see it – we operate in a clever and innovative sector that surprises and places new demands with changes at express speed. While intelligent appliances are increasingly thinking for us in everyday life, to ensure that eRecycling remains a round affair, all of our brainpower will still be required. We use this fact as an incentive to advance the recycling of electrical and electronic appliances on an ongoing basis and would like to thank you for your valuable cooperation and partnership.
Heidi Luck
SENS communication
Fair ARF – publicised via Google AdWords
End consumers who have purchased an electrical or electronic appliance abroad or from a foreign online retailer without having paid the advance recycling fee (ARF) can voluntarily pay this fee to SENS. We have now also publicised this fact by means of a Google AdWords campaign.
Most manufacturers, retailers and importers voluntarily charge the advance recycling fee (ARF) when selling an appliance in Switzerland. Although electrical or electronic appliances that are purchased abroad or are ordered via a foreign online retailer are usually recycled in Switzerland, the costs for this service are never paid, as the ARF was not included in the purchase price.
If you ask consumers, they are more than willing to act “fairly” and pay a recycling fee. End consumers can now do this with our Fair ARF of CHF 5.00, which can be paid voluntarily by sending an SMS to 488. An idea can be great, but it will only achieve its purpose very slowly if no one knows about it. By distributing our informational video on Fair ARF via Google and Facebook, we have informed people how easy it is to dispose of their electrical and electronic waste and encouraged them to do so!
These measures have resulted in more traffic on the website, the Facebook page and the YouTube channel. The CTR rate (click-through rate) and the number of views are greater than the average for video/display campaigns.
“Don’t talk rubbish”
We have known for a long time that waste is not worthless. In the current campaign, however, our Junkopus demonstrates that there are a lot of rubbish claims made about eRecycling. We are focusing on using social media to point out the four myths we have collated about electronic waste via digital channels, making reference to the Fair ARF in each case.
Junkopus is the guardian and facilitator of our knowledge on recycling. He shares in-depth information on specialist eRecycling topics and the advance recycling fee. In four humorous animations, Junkopus clears up false facts and makes the viewer aware of the fact that the Fair ARF can also be paid voluntarily at any time.
We have launched a competition to find the biggest electrical love story in Switzerland by asking the following question: “Which electronic appliance have you grown so fond of that you could not imagine your life without it?” To enter the competition, all you have to do is post your story along with a picture of your favourite electrical or electronic appliance on the SENS sub-page. The campaign is being met with great interest, is receiving above-average attention and is being shared at an extraordinary rate.
A few of the results from our campaign:
Display campaign: CTR 0.31 per cent
Ad impressions: 2,898,701
Clicks: 8,929
Competition participants: 500
Lila + Tim
Lila and Tim and the invisible mountains
Drones, remote-controlled cars and robots – such electronic toys have been present in every child’s room for a long time. They are played with a lot and replaced just as often. When a model plane crashes and breaks down, is there anything valuable that can be harvested from the wreckage? Lila and Tim provide us with the answer!
On their way home from school, the two children discover a secret garden full of electronic waste and start contemplating what they should do. Professor Inventus explains and in doing so provides the pupils with some surprising insights into recycling and recyclable materials.
The colourful comic book explains to the youngest generation of our society why recycling is so important and encourages them to get involved and pass the message on to others. The comic book was given away via our Facebook channel and enjoyed great demand from schools and waste disposal partners to be used as a give-away.