Figures, figures, figures

In Switzerland last year, each inhabitant on average disposed of 9.52 kilograms of electrical and electronic appliances in the SENS system. The total volume of appliances disposed of thus totalled 79,068 tonnes. In the “Figures, figures, figures” section, you can find impressive values, valuable figures and information on important changes relative to the prior year.

Take-back system key figures

Increased volume for almost all appliance categories

A total of 79,068 tonnes of electrical and electronic appliances was taken back and processed in the SENS system. The volume of appliances taken back was increased in almost all categories compared to the prior year. With 631,500 large household appliances (prior year: 583,900) and 406,100 refrigeration, freezing, air-conditioning and compressor appliances (prior year: 381,100), increases of 8 per cent and 7 per cent, respectively, were recorded in these categories. The volume of small household appliances increased by 3 per cent to 26,109 tonnes (prior year: 25,418 tonnes), while the volume of lighting equipment stood at 1,144 tonnes (prior year: 1,121 tonnes), equating to an increase of 2 per cent. At 3,320 tonnes (prior year: 3,360 tonnes), the volume of lamps taken back was almost the same as in the prior year. For photovoltaic modules, however, a slight decrease was recorded, with 71 tonnes of material (prior year: 73.7 tonnes) being taken back.

During the past year, the customer data in the SENS OnlineSystem was updated and revised. Customers who have not made use of the SENS pick-up service over the last 24 months have been set to inactive. The decline of 49 per cent can be attributed to the fact that only active customers and partners are now listed in the SENS OnlineSystem.

Key figures for the SENS Foundation take-back system in Switzerland

>>> PDF
2014 in CHF
2015 in CHF
Change relative
Manufacturers/importers subject to ARFs (SENS contractual partners)
Official SENS recycling companies
Official SENS collection points
Customers in the SENS OnlineSystem
5 626
2 852
Collection orders via the SENS OnlineSystem
25 062
25 677
Credit notes for recycling services
5 717
5 909
Small household appliances including toys, games and lamps
Volume in tonnes
25 418
26 109
Via official SENS collection points
Through retail (pick-up service via the SENS OnlineSystem)¹
Returned directly to the official SENS recycling companies
Large household appliances
Large household appliances by item
583 900
631 507
Refrigeration, freezing, air-conditioning and compressor appliances by item
381 100
406 079
Volume in tonnes²
48 096
51 743
Via official SENS collection points
Through retail (pick-up service via the SENS OnlineSystem)¹
Returned directly to the official SENS recycling companies
Lighting equipment
Volume in tonnes
1 121
1 144
Via official SENS collection points
Through retail (pick-up service via the SENS OnlineSystem)¹
Returned directly to the official SENS recycling companies
Volume in tonnes³
3 360
3 320
Volume in tonnes
Total volume recycled within the SENS system
74 709
79 068
Total volume recycled per head⁴ in kilograms

¹ These figures do not include volumes that were collected by retailers but whose handling was carried out through collection orders from third parties (e.g. collection points or transport companies).
² Average weight of large household appliances in 2014: 53 kg per item; 2015: 53 kg per item.
² Average weight of refrigeration, freezing, air-conditioning and compressor appliances in 2014: 45 kg per item; 2015: 45 kg per item.
³ Volume is already included in the volume of small electrical appliances.
⁴ Inhabitants in 2014: 8,211,700; 2015: 8,306,200 (FSO, Q3, 2015).

2015 Annual Result

Transparent in every detail

One of the four pillars that make up our strategy is the endeavour to ensure the provision of a transparent and economic system. SENS demands and promotes transparency in its information, material and financial flows. With this objective in mind, the annual financial statements have been restructured, optimised and expanded in accordance with the requirements of the new Accounting Act (nAA) and the Swiss GAAP FER accounting standards.

In addition to the balance sheet and operating account, the SENS annual financial statements now also comprise the cash flow statement and statement of changes in capital. Interested readers also have the option to download an annex which is compliant with the Swiss Code of Obligations and the Swiss GAAP FER accounting standards. This annex contains information on the valuation principles and key notes on the balance sheet and operating account items.

Balance sheet

The balance sheet reveals the asset and financial situation of the SENS Foundation as at the balance sheet date.

Relative to the prior year, securities holdings fell by CHF 4.2 million. This decline can be attributed to the uncertainty regarding fund performance and the difficult interest rate environment. An insufficient supply of bonds that meet the requirements stipulated under the investment regulations (borrowers with an A rating, CHF) and that generate a positive return is leading to fewer reinvestments.

The participation in WEEE Europe AG was also reduced. During the past financial year, some of the units held in the Czech Asekol take-back system were sold, while the value of the remaining units was adjusted in light of the sluggish business developments.

SENS balance sheet

>>> PDF
31.12.2014 in CHF
31.12.2015 in CHF
Cash and cash equivalents
14 252 606
14 831 163
Receivables from services
1 013 850
1 552 379
Other current receivables
536 100
625 030
Accrued and deferred income
3 486 757
8 321 482
Operating assets
19 289 313
25 330 054
20 600 133
16 417 878
113 460
54 922
1 200 000
1 100 000
Tangible assets
100 394
101 608
Intangible assets
36 906
32 292
Fixed assets
22 050 873
17 706 700
Total assets
41 340 185
43 036 754
Liabilities from services
4 267 519
5 111 990
Other liabilities
Accrued and deferred liabilities
3 387 723
2 343 239
Current liabilities
7 655 242
7 455 229
Recycling funds
32 341 600
34 308 418
Fund capital
32 341 600
34 308 418
Foundation capital
320 000
320 000
1 023 343
953 107
Organisational capital
1 343 343
1 273 107
Total liabilities
41 340 185
43 036 754

SENS operating account

The operating account presents the financial performance of the SENS Foundation during the financial year. It shows the expenses and income accrued during a certain period and thus provides information on any increase or decrease in equity during this time frame.

The adjustment made to the annual financial statements in order to bring them into line with the nAA and the Swiss GAAP FER accounting standards led to a one-time special effect, in particular in connection with income from recycling fees. This effect totalled CHF 7.1 million and can be attributed to the booking of advance recycling fees (ARFs) on an accrual basis. ARF income for lamps and lighting equipment (CHF 2.6 million) was also reported under this item for the first time and subsequently excluded again together with the income for advance disposal fees (ADFs) for batteries and accumulators in appliances under compensation for partner systems.

The downturn on the commodities markets, the abandoning of the CHF/EUR exchange-rate floor and the positive developments in terms of returns are reflected, in particular, in the expenditure for recycling. On average, the key raw materials of aluminium, iron and copper fell in value by 16 per cent relative to the prior year. Recycling expenditure was thus considerably higher than had been budgeted for.

A further change can be seen in the presentation of the contribution to administrative costs. Unlike in previous years, only those contributions that are billed to external partners (Fair Recycling Foundation, Swiss Lighting Recycling Foundation [SLRS], Swico, Inobat) are reported.

Thanks to the special accounting effect of CHF 7.1 million, this year’s annual result before allocation is positive. In total, CHF 1.9 million can be transferred to the different recycling funds.

> Annex to the annual financial statements, PDF

SENS operating account

>>> PDF
Take-back system revenue
2015 in CHF
Revenue from recycling fees
50 320 227
Compensation for partner systems
-4 910 636
Total take-back system revenue
45 409 591
Take-back system expenditure
Collection expenditure
11 904 863
Transport expenditure
12 117 826
Recycling expenditure
16 718 343
89 305
Collection, dismantling and recycling checks
367 503
Manufacturer/importer checks
73 950
Market basket analysis
124 085
Publicity campaign
617 418
Total take-back system expenditure
42 013 293
Take-back system result
3 396 299
Head Office revenue
Contribution to administrative costs
359 112
Revenue from services/consulting
43 865
Other revenue
7 927
Extraordinary and prior-period revenue
21 564
Total Head Office revenue
432 468
Head Office expenditure
Personnel expenditure
1 115 979
Board of Trustees and ARF Committee
159 895
Office and administrative expenditure
271 617
IT expenditure
115 920
Accounting, business and legal consulting
49 585
Studies and projects
265 577
19 031
Public relations and communication
206 745
66 011
Other expenditure
14 043
Depreciation, amortisation and value adjustments
75 203
Extraordinary and prior-period expenditure
Total Head Office expenditure
2 359 605
Head Office result
-1 927 137
Operating result
1 469 161
Financial income
427 420
Annual result before allocation
1 896 581
Change in recycling funds
1 966 818
Change in organisational capital
-70 237
Annual result after allocation
In addition to the balance sheet and operating account, the 2015 annual financial statements now also comprise the cash flow statement.

SENS cash flow statement

The cash flow statement is a dynamic cause statement and provides a comparison of increases and decreases in liquid funds during a specific period. It shows why a specific liquidity situation arises. The cash flow statement reports the cash flow from operating, investment, financing and business activities as parameters.

SENS cash flow statement

2015 in CHF
Annual result
1 896 581
Depreciation on furniture and fixtures
3 749
Depreciation on IT hardware
20 853
Depreciation on software
4 613
Appreciation on securities
–63 175
Depreciation on investments
45 318
Creation/reversal of contingency reserves
Creation/reversal of provisions
Increase in receivables from services
–538 529
Increase in other current receivables
–88 930
Increase in accrued and deferred income
–4 834 725
Increase in liabilities from services
844 472
Increase/decrease in other liabilities
Decrease in accrued and deferred liabilities
–1 044 484
Cash inflow/cash outflow from operating activities
–5 650 839
Divestment of securities
4 245 410
Divestment of loans
100 000
Divestment of participations
13 220
Investment in furniture and fixtures
–1 180
Investment in IT hardware
–24 636
Divestment of/investment in software
Cash inflow/cash outflow from investment activities
4 332 815
Increase/decrease in organisational capital
Increase/decrease from financing
Cash inflow/cash outflow from financing activities
Cash inflow/cash outflow from business activities
578 557
Cash and cash equivalents as at 1.1.
14 252 606
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31.12.
14 831 163
Change in cash inflow/cash outflow
578 557

Statement of changes in capital

The statement of changes in capital presents the allocation, utilisation and inventory of funds from both the fund capital and organisational capital.

Statements of changes in capital

>>> PDF
Foundation capital
Annual result
Balance as at 1.1.2015
320 000
1 023 343
1 343 343
Annual result before allocation
1 896 581
1 896 581
Allocation to reserves
17 019
–17 019
Withdrawals from reserves
–87 255
87 255
Allocation to recycling funds
–1 966 818
–1 966 818
Balance as at 31.12.2015
320 000
953 107
1 273 107
Small appliances
Large appliances
Toys and games
Welding equipment
Annual result
Balance as at 1.1.2015
7 518 892
22 699 405
2 008 536
–21 325
136 093
Annual result after allocation to organisational capital
1 966 818
Contribution to administrative costs
56 478
120 022
–70 000
–105 000
–1 500
1 548 166
–492 461
393 914
513 694
3 506
-1 966 818
Balance as at 31.12.2015
9 123 536
22 326 965
2 332 450
387 368
138 098

Auditor's Report

You can find the confirmation of the SENS 2015 annual financial statements (balance sheet, operating account, cash flow statement, statement of changes in capital including annex) issued by the auditor Gruber Partner AG here.

> Auditor’s report on the annual financial statements, PDF

SLRS annual balance sheet

Lighting equipment and lamps

As in previous years, the SLRS is publishing its annual balance sheet in the SENS Foundation Annual Report. The SENS Foundation integrates both categories – lighting equipment and lamps – in its take-back system. The relevant funds are managed by the SLRS.

ARF fund for lighting equipment

>>> PDF
2014 in CHF
2015 in CHF
ARF for lamps
2 521 209
2 900 052
Payments for disposal services
–3 077 715
–2 798 586
Contribution to SENS for system costs
–166 667
–153 333
Marketing/public relations
–87 288
–165 520
Proportion of administrative expenditure for SLRS
–189 973
–165 269
Proportion of other expenditure for SLRS
–41 539
–32 587
Proportion of depreciation for SLRS
Proportion of the financial result
241 781
63 554
Proportion of the neutral result for SLRS
–19 460
Proportion of the result carried over for SLRS
166 149
Disbursement of the ARF fund for lamps
–801 000
–205 000
ARF fund for lamps as at 31.12.
13 354 000
13 149 000


The volume of lighting equipment in circulation in Switzerland requiring disposal increased by 12.34 per cent compared to the previous year. Expressed in kilograms, the total volume of lighting equipment disposed of increased by 1.90 per cent. Assuming an average weight of 120 grams, almost 9.9 million items of lighting equipment were disposed of via our system.

ARF fund for lamps

>>> PDF
2014 in CHF
2015 in CHF
ARF for lamps
1 672 402
2 093 425
Payments for disposal services
–1 813 370
–1 746 566
Contribution to SENS for system costs
–83 333
–76 667
Marketing/public relations
–43 644
–82 760
Proportion of administrative expenditure for SLRS
–94 987
–82 634
Proportion of other expenditure for SLRS
–20 770
–16 294
Proportion of depreciation for SLRS
Proportion of the financial result
120 891
31 777
Proportion of the neutral result for SLRS
–9 730
Proportion of the result carried over for SLRS
–1 944
–170 552
Disbursement of the ARF fund for lamps
–265 000
–60 000
ARF fund for lamps as at 31.12.
6 055 000
5 995 000


The volume of lamps in circulation in Switzerland increased by 22.98 per cent. In addition, the volume of appliances disposed of increased by 5.52 per cent. Disposal cost decreased by 3.68 per cent.

The fund allocation was made at a ratio of two-thirds for lighting equipment and one-third for lamps.