Our vision is to lead Switzerland into a sustainable future in the recycling of electrical and electronic appliances. Each individual can make a big difference here. Nevertheless, we can be even more effective in our actions if we consolidate our strengths. We are thus exploiting our synergies with other take-back systems and working together to achieve our vision.
SENS 2.0
The optimised take-back system: SENS 2.0
Our constant efforts to improve the take-back system and the imbalance between income and rising disposal costs prompted us – in consultation with our Board of Trustees – to launch the SENS 2.0 project last year. The objective of this system update is to create more transparency in the take-back system and optimise costs. With the support of the external system professional Rytec AG and together with our customers and partners, we are now working on the project’s implementation.
The SENS 2.0 system is based on the three supporting pillars of collection, transports and recycling. It is now planned to provide the option of two logistics channels – SENS Logistics and Recycler Logistics.
SENS 2.0 – the idea
Small volumes, peripheral collections and transportation activities which are not cost-effective for the SENS recycling companies can now be handed over to SENS Logistics. Specifically, this means:
> The recycling company only performs transportation activities that are efficient from its perspective.
> A high collection and capture rate is ensured.
> Special solutions remain possible.
With SENS 2.0, the SENS collection points, manufacturers, importers and retailers are provided with a system that allows for tailored solutions in the area of logistics.
Making progress together
SENS 2.0 is being implemented in close cooperation with our system partners from the areas of collection, logistics and recycling. If you would also like to be kept up to date on the project status, you can register for our newsletter. To do so, simply send an e-mail to sens2@eRecycling.ch.
The lion’s share of new contracts
In the area of manufacturers and importers, we have focused on stepping up our acquisition activities. During the year under review, a total of 105 new contracts were concluded. At the end of 2015, some 651 manufacturers and importers were thus members of the SENS take-back system. In particular, there were numerous new additions in the area of photovoltaics.
Of the contracts newly concluded in 2015, 32 were in the new area of photovoltaics, equating to a share of 30 per cent. This can be attributed to the active support from and solution-driven cooperation with the Swissolar industry association. Working together, it has been possible to implement a tailored take-back process via two possible channels: either through ex-warehouse returns by the contract partners or through the provision of a container directly on site for the dismantling of systems, meaning that the modules do not first have to be transported back to the retailer.
During the current year, we will step up our efforts in the area of acquisitions even further. Here, emphasis is to be placed on the areas of photovoltaics, measurement and control instruments and online retailing.
Recycling Heroes
Nobody is too young to be a hero
How can you inform and raise awareness among the youngest members of society about separate collection and recycling? Swiss Recycling and its 11 members have developed an idea for doing just that called Recycling Heroes.
Mrs. Electra, Die Leuchte and Batterio are 3 of a total of 10 comic figures who represent different material groups. The Recycling Heroes should evoke emotional connotations among pupils in connection with the issue and introduce them to the topics of recycling, raw materials and resources. The line of thought behind this idea is that heroes are heroes not only because they are interested in and keep up to date on a certain topic, but also because they become active in this area themselves.
Teaching and learning materials have been developed in digital form for school classes ranging from nursery school all the way up to secondary school and can be used for around 50 lessons.
You can obtain the entire offering free of charge from the following website:
SENS & Swiss Recycling
All join in!
“All join in!” is the new umbrella campaign of Swiss Recycling and sees Swiss celebrities Dominique Rinderknecht and Bertrand Piccard, among others, encourage people to collect and return recyclable materials. By adopting a specific theme, we are raising awareness as regards the return of disused electrical and electronic appliances together with Swico and the Swiss Lighting Recycling Foundation (SLRS).
We have already achieved a great deal. Working together, however, we can achieve even more. Today, we still require more resources than the Earth can provide us. To ensure that our children and grandchildren are in future able to live in line with their needs, we are all called on to increasingly preserve resources, save energy and reduce CO2 emissions. A simple and useful means for doing just that is to separate recyclable materials and ensure they are recycled properly. The umbrella campaign of Swiss Recycling and its members is supported by the free daily newspaper 20 Minuten.
Everybody is joining in. Make sure you do too. Thank you.
SENS, Swico, SLRS TV Commercial
Proper handling of electronic waste
The Swiss are world champions when it comes to collecting and recycling. To ensure that this remains the case, the active support of all those who return their disused electrical and electronic appliances is required – and this point cannot be stressed often enough.
In order to increase awareness as regards the handling of disused electrical and electronic appliances, SENS eRecycling, the SLRS and Swico have launched a TV and online campaign.
The protagonist, a typical rock star, smashes his instrument following his ecstatic guitar solo before later being seen taking it to the nearest return point – with a heavy heart but in a textbook manner. He thus also becomes an idol in the area of recycling. Fully in keeping with the motto and the slogan of the campaign: “Bring it Back!”
The campaign was run in November 2015 on various Swiss channels and advertising slots.