2023 Annual Report

Achieving big things together

Looking back on an exciting year

For the fourth year in a row, SENS eRecycling collected over 10 kg of e-waste and electronic equipment per Swiss resident in 2023. That’s nearly 95,000 tonnes. The reporting year also included the collection, transport and recycling of e-cigarettes and heat pumps for the first time. While revenues from advanced recycling fee contributions for small and large household appliances and refrigerators are falling, the fund for the recycling of photovoltaic modules is increasing rapidly. SENS eRecycling is therefore ready to handle the volumes of used photovoltaic modules it expects to see in the future.

In 2023, SENS eRecycling collected a total of 92,874 tonnes of equipment in its return system for discarded electrical and electronic devices across the whole of Switzerland. This is an average of 10.36 kilograms per resident and 3% more than in 2022. While the quantities of small household appliances (+7%), large household appliances (+2%), lighting equipment (+13%) and lamps (+10%) collected in the reporting year increased, the collected amounts of refrigeration, air conditioning and compression equipment remained largely stable. Bucking the longer-term trend, the volume of photovoltaic modules collected temporarily plummeted in 2023 (-19%). This is attributable to the fact that, in 2022, above-average volumes of photovoltaic modules had to be disposed of due to damage caused by hail. The volume collected returned to 2021 levels in the reporting year. This volume will increase greatly over the coming years as an increasing number of photovoltaic modules installed on roofs in Switzerland around 20 years ago reach the end of their life.

Construction boom in the solar industry leads to major increase in the photovoltaic fund

The construction boom in the solar industry (+40% per year) means that significantly more modules are currently being installed than returned. The recycling fund for photovoltaics managed by SENS eRecycling therefore continues to show strong growth, thus ensuring long-term finance for the recycling of photovoltaic modules. Even if, instead of 1,000 tonnes, many more times that amount need to be processed over the coming years. SENS eRecycling is aware of this challenge. Last year, SENS eRecycling launched the Swiss PV Circle project together with Bern University of Applied Sciences, Swissolar and various other partners in the solar industry. Our common goal is to develop business models for the reuse of PV modules. This is intended to extend the lifespan of the modules, reduce the number of modules being disposed of and further strengthen the circular economy in the solar industry. You can find more information about the project at www.pv-circle.ch.

Key figures on heat pumps and e-cigarettes for the first time

For the first time, key figures on the collection of heat pumps and e-cigarettes are included in the current annual report. In total, SENS eRecycling recorded the return of 50 tonnes of heat pumps and 16 tonnes of e-cigarettes in 2023. Both industry solutions have been in place since 1 July 2023. There was a particular need for a nationwide solution for the environmentally friendly disposal of e-cigarettes, as the increased consumption of disposable vapes in particular often resulted in them being thrown into the normal waste instead of recycling. Thanks to the introduction of vape recycling bags, SENS eRecycling now offers retailers, authorities and consumers an easy solution to dispose of e-cigarettes in an environmentally friendly manner across the whole of Switzerland. More information on the new industry solution and associated awareness campaign for the recycling of e-cigarettes is available at www.vape-recycler.ch.

All the figures listed above, as well as further information on the course of business in 2023 and insights into our everyday SENS eRecycling business, can be found in the current annual report.