With your help, we managed to take the circular economy in Switzerland another step further last year. This shows that we can achieve big things and bring ambitious ideas to life when we work together. We are proud to have such a committed, versatile and active network behind us! The many highlights from the past year show what’s possible when we work together effectively.

Foreword from the President of the Board of Trustees
A finger on the pulse of the time – politically and economically
It was with great pride and joy, and the utmost respect, that I assumed the presidency of SENS eRecycling just over a year ago. Respect because nature and the environment have always been very close to my heart. They form the basis for our health and well-being, with the circular economy as one of the central pillars. Only by closing material and product cycles, and thus reducing our dependency on resources, will we be able to preserve nature over the long term.
It is with this same conviction that I have championed the parliamentary initiative for strengthening the Swiss circular economy in the political sphere – as a member of the National Council and a member of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy Committees (ESPEC). However, I am especially pleased that, with the SENS Foundation, we have taken important steps in the private sector this past year, launching numerous projects that put us on the right track for improving both resource efficiency and sustainability.
I would particularly like to mention the Circular Platform aimed at promoting the circular economy of electrical appliances, which we launched at the Bern Sustainability Days in September. We also launched the Swiss PV Circle project in August – together with the Swiss Solar Energy Association (Swissolar), Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), and other partners from the solar and energy industry – with the aim of establishing the reuse of photovoltaic modules in Switzerland. These examples show how we as a foundation have our finger on the pulse of the time and find appropriate solutions to the current challenges – based on unerring commitment, a strong vision and a partnership-style approach.
During the reporting year, the Board of Trustees revised the deed of foundation and introduced new regulations to create the framework conditions for a successful future. We have now also officially moved our Head Office from Aarau to Zurich.
In the political domain, we will actively push ahead with ordinance adaptations, which are needed due to the parliamentary initiative for strengthening the circular economy. We will be closely involved in this process on the part of the SENS Foundation, contributing the expertise and experience we have acquired during more than 30 years of successful eRecycling activities.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you. First and foremost to all our partners for their constructive and valued cooperation, but also to our dedicated team of expert staff who continue to deliver results even when workloads are high. Thank you also to our Managing Director Pasqual Zopp for leading our business in such a dedicated, responsible and prudent manner. I would also like to thank my esteemed colleagues on the Board of Trustees. It is thanks to them and our Managing Director that I was able to settle so quickly into what is, for me, a new field, the upshot being that we have already achieved a great deal together. Therefore, I am confident that we will be able to continue putting important things in place for a strong Swiss circular economy in 2024 – both in the private sector and on a political level.
I am very much looking forward to this. Warmest wishes to you all,
Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher

Foreword by the Managing Director
Cycle after cycle
From the use of artificial intelligence, to the collection of electrical appliances in Electro Recycling Bags, through to new sector solutions for e-cigarettes and heat pumps: in 2023, we were active on more fronts than ever before. The year’s crowning glory was the Swiss Parliament’s swift processing of parliamentary initiative 20.433. We are grateful to have the way paved for us to continue closing cycles and strengthening the Swiss circular economy in the coming year.
To do so, we have been successfully using artificial intelligence: SENS AI can now automatically recognise over 130 categories of electrical appliance and provides manufacturers and recycling centres with reliable and accurate data about the life cycle of the appliances being disposed of. Thanks to SENS AI, we have transparency regarding our flow of materials and can work with our partners to introduce targeted measures for further optimising the cycle of the appliances or the materials used.
We have also expanded the options available for returning electrical appliances: since last autumn, consumers have been able to order an Electro Recycling Bag from our website for a fee, fill this with up to 10 kilograms of old appliances and return it to us by post from anywhere in Switzerland. Closing cycles could hardly be easier! For manufacturers and importers of e-cigarettes, we also offer our new sector solution for the environmentally friendly disposal of vapes. The high level of participation, with over 75% of sector stakeholders taking part, shows that there is great need throughout Switzerland for the efficient return of e-cigarettes, which have been sold in ever-increasing numbers for many years now. Together, we want to achieve a collection rate of 50% during the first phase of this initiative. We are using the microsite vape-recycler.ch and the “Be a Vape Recycler” campaign to actively raise awareness of this issue. In addition to another sector solution for heat pumps, we have also arranged new contracts with our service providers – that is to say, recycling centres and collection points – during the reporting period. Here too, the primary focus is on strengthening the existing network so we can continue to close cycles in future.
Based on the Ordinance on the Return, Taking Back and Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ORDEE) that came into effect in 2022, in early summer the Federal Office for the Environment submitted for consultation the implementation aid for cantons in processing disused electrical appliances. The requirements are based on our work over many years and show that – thanks to our high standards when it comes to staying abreast of the latest technology – we can continue to set benchmarks in recycling both nationally and internationally.
We are therefore proudly pursuing our course towards closing cycle after cycle. I thank you, our valued partners, for your continued support in the new business year, which will allow us to achieve more great things together with the aid of visionary ideas, perseverance and dedication. I look forward to it. And those who know us will already expect this, but we have also set our bar high for the current year in terms of eRecycling. To those of you that want to start helping us right away: we are always keen to hear your ideas!
Kind regards,
Pasqual Zopp